Hmmm...I really got caught off guard on this one. Apparently virtually all of my vast readership have lost the use of their hands/fingers in various freak accidents (e.g., getting caught during a fast moving storm while they were in the "death zone" portion of their ascent on Mount Everest). My apologies to all for making the insensitive assumption that y'all could type.
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My readership (prior to losing the use of their hands on that fateful ascent) |
It reminds me of a story my mom used to read to me (most recently, last week). It was called "The Little Red Hen". If you have never read/heard the story, let me include it here for your reading pleasure (relax, there is no typing required on your part).
Once upon a time, a little red hen lived in a small cottage. She
worked hard to keep her family fed.
One day, when the little red hen
was out walking with her friends, the goose, the cat, and the pig, she
found a few grains of wheat.
“Who will help me plant this wheat?” asked the little red hen.
“Not I,” said the goose, “I’d rather swim in the pond.”
“Not I,” said the cat, “I’d rather sleep on the hay.”
“Not I,” said the pig, “I’d rather lie in the mud.”
“Then I’ll do it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did.
Time went by and the wheat grew, but so did the weeds.
“Who will help me pull the weeds?” asked the little red hen.
“Not I,” said the goose, “I’d rather swim in the pond.”
“Not I,” said the cat, “I’d rather sleep on the hay.”
“Not I,” said the pig, “I’d rather lie in the mud.”
“Then I’ll do it myself”, said the little red hen. And she did.
All summer the wheat grew taller and taller. It turned from brown
to golden amber. And, at last, it was time to harvest the wheat.
“Who will help me harvest the wheat?” asked the little red hen.
“Not I,” said the goose, “I’d rather swim in the pond.”
“Not I,” said the cat, “I’d rather sleep on the hay.”
“Not I,” said the pig, “I’d rather lie in the mud.”
“Then I’ll do it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did.
At last, the wheat was harvested and put into a large sack, ready
to be taken to the mill to be ground into flour.
“Who will help me take the wheat to the mill?” asked the little
red hen.
“Not I,” said the goose, “I’d rather swim in the pond.”
“Not I,” said the cat, “I’d rather sleep on the hay.”
“Not I,” said the pig, “I’d rather lie in the mud.”
“Then I’ll do it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did.
The next day came and the little red hen was hungry.
“Who will help me bake this flour into bread?” asked the little
red hen.
“Not I,” said the goose, “I’d rather swim in the pond.”
“Not I,” said the cat, “I’d rather sleep on the hay.”
“Not I,” said the pig, “I’d rather lie in the mud.”
“Then I’ll do it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did.
At last, the bread was baked and the little red hen called to her
friends once more.
“Who will help me eat this bread?” asked the little red hen.
“I will,” said the goose.
“I will,” said the cat.
“I will,” said the pig.
“Oh, no you won’t!” said the little red hen. “I found the wheat, I
planted it, I weeded it, and when it was time to harvest it, I did
that too. I took it to the mill to be ground into flour and at last, I
baked it into bread.
“Now,” said the little red hen, “I’m going to eat it with my
family.” And she did.
In light of that, let me now announce the winner of last week's caption contest...wonderful me! However, I need to give a shout out to my wife, my daughter, and my mom (which may be my entire readership for all I know) to thank them for pushing past the typing pain to respond (either with a caption idea or just to say they couldn't think of a good caption). So just like the little red hen, I decided that I'm going to enjoy my caption contest winnings with my family. And I did.
Silence...I keel you!!! |
P.S. On your next Everest summit attempt, please be more careful!
P.P.S. Note to self...don't make a habit of insulting your readers or you will end up just talking to yourself (sort of like you're doing right now).