My wife Renée (French for "born again" fitting!) brought home a new kind of dessert from the store the other day: "Betty Crocker's Warm Delights Minis Molten Chocolate Cake". I'm sure some of you have had the gut-busting pleasure of enjoying one of those similar sounding desserts at a restaurant. For those of you in the gastrointestinal dark, it basically is a jumbo chocolate cupcake filled with chocolate magma. They bring it to you straight from the oven (at nuclear reactor temperature) and when you take the first spadeful, the hot, chocolicious lava flows freely out onto the plate. Then you can dip further spadefuls of cake in the lava until (alas) your plate is clean. I personally don't care for them at all.
So when I saw what Renée had brought home, I was on pins and needles to try it. The anticipation of being able to have these at home whenever we wanted was almost overwhelming! We anxiously unwrapped the contents like it was Christmas morning and then collapsed on the floor in disappointment. I now know where all of the unused Kenner's Easy Bake Oven cake mixes from the 60's went to.
I see that you can still buy the Easy Bake Oven, but it is now sold by Hasbro. Check out what I found you can buy on their web site:
Note the maker/producer of the cake mix. Coincidence? I think not. I rest my dessert-deprived case. C'mon Betty...we expect more from you!
You have me in stitches!! This is the best product review I have ever read!!!